Friday, January 11, 2008

First award for me!

Thanks Hye for giving me this award! My first award as a blogger, isnt it fantastic? Look like a good year for me so far this year!! This award encourages me even more to blog and write interesting posts on it!
It is really an honour to receive this award from a fellow blogger, she has been very sweet to me as I am still new to blogging world. Just started less than 2 months ago. So, her passing me such award really meaningful to me and act as a motivation to strive more.

I would like to hand this award over to the following bloggers who have achieved more than me. They have been my inspiration for starting a blog in first place:

1. Cooking momster
2. Crumb in life
3. Wokking mum
4. Oooh La La
5. Pearly Love



  1. wei wei, THANKS!! :)
    I'm honoured... thank u thank u...

  2. hi rose.
    congratulation congratulation. A great start of a new year with an award. Always keep smiling and may you receive lots of award all year through. Be happy. .take care and have a great time ;)

  3. rose dear :
    congratulation to you and also a great thank to you too sharing the award with me .
    your blog is great , I love to read it and look at those lovely picture , I never been to west wast malaysia but with your post I can know more about those nice places .
    thank a again and you are a super star and super mummy too .

  4. Thanks for the award. Regarding you smorty, I have not encounter any problem submitting leh. Do you have msn maybe i can guide u through.

  5. Hi Rose...

    Congratulations on your award... I will be glad to share some of my awards again with you in the near future. I look forward hearing from you :D
