Thursday, May 19, 2016

Dressed up for buffet lunch

It is that age that most of my friends are married and have kids by now.  And I were equally happy for a girlfriend of mine that she has finally found her love and settled down.

My girlfriend got hitched this month and last Saturday, she held a buffet lunch at her home. 

I attended the buffet lunch with my kids; we were actually car-pooling with another friend and her kids that morning. Both husbands of ours were busy that day so it was a no-husband affair.  *wink*

And I wore this dress that I bought a couple of years ago for my bro's wedding.  I think I presently fit better in it than 2 years ago where I still have not shed those post-baby fat!

A little accessories and a simple make-up; and I were ready to go (party) with the kids!

It was a nice morning with a light shower, but the bride shone brighter and everyone had a jovial time catching up and enjoying the food.

A page in the wedding album

Door gifts for guests

The lovely gift

Spread on the buffet table

Congratulations, my dear friend. May your days filled with wonderful blessing, joy and love.


  1. look like you've put on weight...compared to when you were in Sibu? So many nicer things to eat in Kuching?

  2. nice dresss n necklace. the door gift same as one i have got frm friend wedding.

  3. nice dresss n necklace. the door gift same as one i have got frm friend wedding.

  4. Aaa look stunning, Rose. Inspires me to get into a dress again. It's been a long time since I last wore one. <3

  5. You look lovely.

    Love the necklace too. :)

  6. Lovely simple dress. I also like your necklace and pendant. Very elegant.

  7. You look good in blue. You must be feeling so happy for your friend.

  8. I like your dress and accessories. You look great for the function. Cute door gift.

  9. So nice that you have lost most of the baby fats. As for me it is reversed. I lost a lot of those weight I gained during pregnancy after delivering Ayden but slowly gaining more this year. Huhuhu...

    By the way, lovely necklace.

  10. Congratulations to the newlyweds. Nice dress you got there. I love the colour and the beautiful pendant too.

  11. Wow, who's that pretty lady?? You look charming in the blue dress, dear! Congrats to your friend! xoxo

  12. I always lost track of my diet after seeing these delicious food!
