Thursday, September 17, 2015

Milo godzilla

A chocolatey treat for the kids!!

Big glasses of Milo godzilla! 

Maybe you have heard of Milo dinasaur where you added heap of Milo goodness and chocolate chips and Milo poweder on top of your Milo drink. But with Milo Godzilla, you add a scoop of ice cream or whipped cream on top. Sounds tempting??

Bought this delicious chocolatey drink imported from Australia few weeks ago. They tasted better and creamier than our local Milo.

Look how creamy is the Milo?? Just 2 heaps of teaspoons of Milo and a teaspoon of sugar, I could enjoy my warm Milo with my breakfast any day.


  1. my favourite too :D

    but milo at home x more drink , expensive :( change coco drink.

  2. My son loves ordering this milo from the coffee shops! xoxo

  3. I love extra thick milo, just the milo only without the sugar and milk.

  4. I saw imported Milo selling at a local supermarket recently and the price is so expensive. Over MYR100 a tin.

  5. I love Milo too but usually I don't take it with sugar. I'll drink my Milo very very thick on its own. Sedap :D

  6. Imported one, sure nicer. Australian condensed milk is real cow's milk - can buy at some places in Kuching, I think but limited stock, always sold out. Our local one - sweetened creamer...palm oil, no cow's milk! Tsk! Tsk!

    I like Horlicks Noodle House, but cannot take too often, too sweet...and milk makes me sleepy, would have to go home to sleep straight away. :D

  7. Hohoho...I love a chocolate drink anytime! This is an awesome version. ^.^
