Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Not so-typical Sunday

The morning started with our normal routine. We went to church after breakfast.

After church, we picked up my FIL who is in town for a little meet up and lunch. He missed the grandchildren. We went to Green Heights Mall for grocery shopping and lunch. 

The kids got their own shopping too; busy and happily adding new toys to their toys chest. Poor mummy has to clean and nag after them.

After our outing, we sent my FIL home and we also stayed at home to do some spring cleaning in the bedroom. Cleaned unwanted stuff and checking and clearing the stuff in the first aids kit. It has been quite a while since hubby and I co-cleaning the room. *wink*

Made pancakes for our tea break. Tried this pancake mix and everyone enjoyed their pancake lunch.

And I still manage to find some quiet time looking through my recipe books collection; finding some food inspiration. *wink* But no cooking that day. How not so-typical as I mostly cook Sunday dinner. I do need a break from the kitchen sometime.

And I just discovered this new online grocery shopping called Mimigo. How nice! Now Kuching has its online grocery store but I am still very much a shopping person who loves walking down the aisles and looking and touching the goods. *wink*

Together with kids, we did some stuff together; getting ready for next week's function. Yup. Something is going on next weekend so I am going to be busy by then. Am excited at the same time but just could not get it over with!! Lol.


  1. Sunday is a day to be with the family. I usually visit my parents during weekends. our siblings take turns to bring lunch to my father on Sundays.

  2. I sould prefer walking and touching goods too. More feeling. hehe.

  3. So nice, can go kaikai, then do spring cleaning together after that.. If I take the kids out, they will be restless after a while and make a scene.. Oooo pancakes, who doesn't LOVE pancakes right? So nice to eat with butter & honey, yummzzzz..

  4. Ooo, pancakes! What a lovely treat for the kids

  5. Nice kah, the pancake mix. So easy, I would just make from scratch, no need to use the pre-mix...but if it is nice and convenient, no need to have all the ingredients ready, I would not mind using that as well.

    Did not get to go to Green Heights when I was in Kuching. Cold Storage is there, right? I sure would not mind dropping by to browse around...but I was not the driver, what to do? Just follow people lah. :(

  6. What a lovely Sunday spending time with your family and FIL. And also a family team doing spring cleaning together - building of relationship too! No matter how convenient, I too love to walk the aisles looking and touching the goods before I decide to buy. Looking forward to your posting on your next week's event!

  7. Perfect way to spend the weekend. Can't wait to read about your event next week. Wink! Wink!

  8. Nothing lovelier than a weekend with the family. :D

  9. I want to make my own pancake since my auntie who just came back from Canada bought me some good maple syrup. Still lazy to work out on the pancake.ahhahaha
