Saturday, August 29, 2015

Horse riding in the morning

Everyone was up so early today! You know why?? Because it is Saturday and a start to a long weekend. And it means there is something waiting for the kids!!

It has been quite sometimes since we ventured into some new places so this morning, everyone was pretty excited and adventurous. Our destination?? VH Green Nature Park.

The first of its kind in the state, VH Green Nature Park is located in 4th Miles of Matang-Kuching road. This nature park cum educational playground opens early this year.

Its main attraction has got to be this horse ride where children can enjoy the feel of riding a horse for RM10.

Their very first horse ride and it was a thrilling experience for them. Jan was excited to ride on the horse while Jay had a last minute withdrawal symptom and could not wait to dismount. Nevertheless both had rode through the park one round.

For me, I get as close as to feed them and been bitten too but no damage done. Lol.

The route to this new nature park.

Next post - walk around the park and more!!


  1. Nice, new place in town to spend time with children.

  2. I am sure the kids enjoyed the pony ride. Until now, I have not been on a pony before.

  3. How lovely, Rose! I love horses. :)

  4. Have not been to horse riding activity so far, it would be fun and educational for the kids.

  5. Never been on a horse before. Did you try? Do you think the pony can stand my weight? Hehehehe!!!!

  6. My grandma was from Sibu but I have never been there...don't know what's like there?

  7. Horse riding. That's nice. The most Ethan has done is pony riding. I like these kind of activity. Why did the horse bite you? LoL

  8. Good experience for both children to go horse riding.

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