Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Happiness is

Happiness is seeing my children grow up happily, healthily and with love and to love others.

The young one knows how to feed himself. Seeing him enjoying his food is the happiest moment for me.

And best of all? Making happy memories with my loved ones. *wink*

Needless to say, I am happy that I could spend more quality times with my children as they simply growing up so fast in front of my eyes.


  1. that is precious to spend time with kids

  2. Me too, my kids always lift up my wifey and my mood with their antics. I always love to spend quality time with them whenever I can.

  3. So cute that Jamie eating on his own. Ayden can self feed but not as good as Jamie I think. Jamie looks so pro eating noodles!

  4. Spending quality time with children is so nice! Lovely photos, Rose. :)

  5. Parents spending quality time with their children is very important. Before you know it, they will be grown ups. Happy memories making!

  6. happy family! quality time is always with family :)

  7. As they are loved, so will they love... You've done a great job! No worries, they will be fine.

    Problem is parents these days, both of them are too caught up with their work...and themselves and no old folks at home to help keep an eye and guide, leave them with babysitters or dump them at nurseries and play schools and later, the regular schools and the strings of tuition centres, never mind good or bad - just to keep them out of their hair...and that would be when the kids go astray.

  8. Agree with you.. Happiness (to me) is seeing my kids eat the food that I cook.. They are so picky, haizzz...

  9. True, happiness is able to see people we loved growing healthily and happily!

  10. Indeed, Rose. As they grow, we also grow older.hahahahha

  11. Aah...yes. Nothing happier than being with people we love. Your kids are adorable.

  12. Very wise words. Cherish and treasure time withloved ones.
