Saturday, June 27, 2015

Confession corner

I have been contemplating whether to write something about myself as a blogger for quite some time but finally I am able to pen it down here.  So here it goes.

It is something that I do as a blogger (since I started back then). I am sure that some of my fellow blogger friends will be able to associate with them on certain time or most of the time.

1. My phone is my pal and conveniently glued to me wherever I go
Some may have the habits of bring digital camera or those big bulky professional camera, but not me.  My phone has been my shoot box for as long as this blog has been. It has evolved from habit to necessity for me. And now I mostly blog from my phone, rather than on a pc!  The moment I realised I forgot my phone, I feel helpless and shocked (like the shock horror emoticon!)

2. My family is used to me snapping away
What ever it is, photo-taking first! When it comes to food, the "no eating before Rose takes pictures" rule applies.  And everyone is so understanding! Or maybe they are used to me snapping away.

3. Do my scheduled posts in the evening
I will try to draft and schedule my posts for a week, so I would not need to worry so much about it over the week, which I am basically busy with my children and running around. Usually I would write my posts during the nights while the events were still fresh in my mind or I would tend to forget the details later.

4. My blog has been a secret for months before I told someone
I did not tell anyone when I started my blog.  I never meant to as I did not have those confidence in telling my families and close friends about my interest.  But it took a lot of courage out of me when I told my hubby about it.  And he was so supportive!  But it stayed secret for a while and I still do not mind keeping quiet about my writing a blog as I am sure some people do not find the idea of documenting their lives that appealing.


  1. What a great post, Rose! Thank you so much for sharing more about yourself. :)

  2. Me too! So lost without my phone even though I do not take snapshots with me nor do I blog using it.

  3. My relatives does not know about my blog, need to have some privacy, hehe...

  4. I take pictures using my phone too. I've indirectly influenced my Dad who now takes pic of his daily life to whatsapp me. LoL.

    My family only know me as a blogger years after I started. Actually they are only familiar with my blog quite recently, maybe a year ago?

  5. Number two!! Yeah, applied to all bloggers. Lol! Sometimes my husband would helped me to snap a picture for me. hehe. 😆

  6. Now we know you better! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I never introduce my blog to my friends. They spend time on Facebook. Thanks for sharing..we have similarity here.
