Thursday, December 4, 2014

Cold night, and comfort soup

I love rain. As long as I am not caught in it, then I would not complain about it at all. Love the after-rain beauty. Somehow comforting, calm and serene.

After the chilling rain has stopped

It rained this afternoon. Just like any other days in Kuching. So it is going to a cold night again tonight.

The black clouds clouding in the sky

Now what could be more perfect than to have a warm comfort soup on a cold evening?? Cooked a simple yet nourishing chicken soup this evening. White fungus chicken soup.

Not going to do much tonight. Maybe do some cross-stitching when the kids have gone to bed.

The older two would definitely sleep early but the youngest who had more than 3-hours nap in the afternoon, would not be hitting the bed anytime soon. 

Maybe I will let him play around the Christmas tree for a while. So far, the tree has been in fine form; no damage done yet by him. I personally think he loves his Christmas tree. *wink*


  1. It rains here everyday lately, quite heavy some more...

  2. I also like the smell of rain and also staring at the sky during rain.. As long as I'm not in it.. I love soup and I boil soup once a week due to time constraint but I make sure there's soup once a week..

  3. Nice! You got a Christmas tree! :)

    I always thought of getting it but it's too big to put around - I did get it one year for the office when I was working in Kuching though.

    Oh! Cross-stitching! I remember it was sooo popular back in the 90's that everyone was doing it, including my grandma - she made this large one for our family that my late mom was very proud of coz it got the English words right (it was a Christian mural) despite my grandma not knowing a word of English - she just followed the cross-stitching instructions.

  4. I hear it rains very very heavily every evening in Kuching. My cousin's flight to Sibu was delayed...but thankfully, not too long - half an hour only.

  5. Yesterday morning it starts to rain, quite heavy till the afternoon...

  6. Ohhh...your Christmas tree is up! I wondering if I want to get a small one this year.hhehe

  7. rajin, buat cross-stitch.

  8. Yeah it's cold everynight. I love snuggling in my blanket with this weather. Hehe. Wow, you start stitching. Can't wait to see the finishing...

  9. Warm chicken soup on a cold day is the best!

  10. Haven't heard anyone cross-stitching in awhile. Steadylah you, Rose ;)
