Sunday, May 11, 2014

Hi moms!

Hi! To all moms out there, Happy Mother's day!

It also mark baby's 8th month. 4 more months, Jamie is going to be 1 year old.Time really flies. It just feel like yesterday I gone through the delivery room and held him in my arm.

I am grateful to be a mom. Not one, but mom to three beautiful children. Children is the greatest gift I ever have. 

Once again, Happy Mother's Day to all my mom friends and readers.


  1. Happy Mum's Day to you too...and all mummies following your blog!

  2. Thanks Rose and same to you too!

  3. Happy mother's day to you too! Very sweet photo of you and Jamie.

  4. Wah, all bloggers post about Mother's Day.. But it was just another ordinary day for me, just stayed at home, huhuhu.. Anyway, Happy Mother's Day to you and to all mummy bloggers/readers here :)

  5. Beautiful mama and baby. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day

  6. Happy belated Mother's day, great and nice photo here, you and baby are looking good.

  7. Happy Mummy Day, Rose. You are such a wonderful mom! xo
