Saturday, April 27, 2013

Weekend Menu # 47: Another dish testing

Weekend is here.  And it means noisy moment, with both kids are home and messing around with books, stationery, games etc.  But the house couldn't be merrier without their voices.  *wink*

It is raining rather heavy outside while I am writing this post. Hope it will stop soon as I need to collect my girl's birthday cake around 5pm from the bakery. We spent our day at home today. Lazy to go out as the younger one is still down with flu and my laundry was piling up. *Sigh*

I made a dessert for the family.  Sweet corn sago dessert in coconut milk.   Yummy!! Like the chewy sago in the sweet dessert. 

And not only dessert I am making.  I used my Chefel flip pan to cook lemongrass chicken for lunch. I would like to clarify here that I am not using any HCP like most food bloggers are.  I know that most Singaporeans used HCP and is very popular there.  Mine is Chefel brand from Korea which I bought from Cosway last week.  Basically they are the same, I do not find any difference between them.

Alright, back to my lemongrass chicken.  I used to have a pot of lemongrass but it does not grow so well, so hubby used them all up during a BBQ early this year.  So when ever I need lemongrass, I would get few stalks from my mum.  Last week I used 2 stalks for my chicken rice and I left with 2 stalks in the fridge.  Seeing them are still fresh, I used them for this recipe.  It has been a while since I cooked this dish.  I have marinated the chicken pieces overnight, so they are very aromatic with lemongrass scent.  Nice appetizer if you ask me!

Less oil with Chefel pan (I did not add any oil at all; the oil is from the chicken itself) and the meats are still tender after 30 minutes cooking time (flip once after first 15 minutes into cooking time).  For recipe, go here


  1. I like the taste of lemongrass so I think your lemongrass chicken is very yummy! Usually I will order lemongrass drink in Thai restaurants.

  2. Yum! Yum! My missus has a Chefel pan too.
