Thursday, July 16, 2009

Sick again

Yeap, I am sick again. Sore throat and coughing. This time, it is getting worse. I thought I had recovered over the weekend when I had my flu, and took prescription from doctor for flu. But my sore throat was getting worse on Tuesday morning. So a visit to doctor was last resort. My only concern is that I do not want to contract the sickness to my little gal again.

I was doing fine after taking doctor’s medication on Tuesday. I still went for my lunch date with my ex-colleagues that day and spent almost the whole afternoon window shopping at The Spring. But things get worse in the evening when I woke up around 1030pm (hubby was back then). Hardly have voice and coughing non stop. And I hardly had enough sleep on Tuesday night.

Little gal was told to sleep with her aunty next door last night which she obliged. Am glad that she could sleep anywhere without “choosing” her bed etc. Luckily I am getting well this morning, I have good sleep last night. Although my coughing has reduced significantly but my whole body especially the rib cage and back are painful. Probably the pain is caused from too much coughing. See how it goes today and tomorrow. If my sickness still not fully recover, I may have to go back to my doctor. His advice is to go back to him if still not recover in 5 days time. Sigh!


Ezvina said...

take care!

shoppingmum said...

Hi there, thanks for dropping by my blog. :)
You take care ya? Summore you are in your third trimester now.

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

Get well soon. I just recovered from cough and sore throat too ...

Hazel said...

hope u get well soon, i think the weather had changed..

Anonymous said...

you rest more. many ppl having flu, cough and sore throat these days, blame to the bad weather. :P my kid also down with cough for more than 2 weeks. :(

RaiNboW said...

Get well soon. Take care..

JenJen's Place said...

Take care ah my fren!