Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cut off the puff

In the past, whenever my little gal found a cigarette pack in the house, she usually passed it to her dad, knowing that only her dad that smokes around the house. And not only that. She will take one butt out and pass to her dad, ask him to smoke! *Nod my head*

But lately, she has been more attentive to the pictures displayed on the pack. If you notice, the cigarette packs now display all possible cancers from smoking, like lung cancer, mouth cancer and premature babies. Those pictures are rather scary. If I were a smoker, I would definitely freaked out and stopped smoking after looking at all those grossly pictures. But why some smokers still do not get the cues and think of quitting? Inside their minds, they know that smoking is not only cancer-causing agent, but also costly. Imagine how much you could save per month or per year from not buying those cigarette packs. 1 box can get you a decent lunch, i.e. economy rice and a drink.

Back to my little gal, when she sees those pictures, she will ask me what do the pictures mean. So I will frankly tell her that smoking will cause sickness to her daddy and that is why we should help her daddy to stop smoking. So now, she will not give her dad the cigarette packs anymore. She simply ignore them. She also tells her dad to stop smoking. Well, if one cannot convince hubby to quit, I guess two is better at convincing him to do so???


  1. To be honest, while I applaud the governments stand on trying to get people to quit smoking, those pictures don't really work cos people are still smoking like crazy ...

  2. i did a discussion on smoking in myLot and i got over 40 responses from smokers telling me they dont care a heck on what will happen. As long as they are happy smoking, they'll continue to do so. And also, there are some who tried to quit, but failed. Too tough according to them.

  3. Babe dont even bother to look at the pictures on the ciggie box and definitely didnt reduce his smoking habit either! Am also trying to get him to quit. Guess he just dont have a good enough reason yet!

    I did the same too, count the amount he spend on ciggie per month and per year! Make him imagine what can be done with money instead. RM7.50x30daysx12months= RM2700!! Can have decent holiday oredi!

  4. such a clever daughter u have..well done the mummy

  5. Yeah kids are better in asking dad to quit smoking. Hope ur gal can persuade her daddy to stop this habit.


  6. Some people would use the excuse that it's hard to control the desire .. and thats why they ended up smoking again ..
    it all takes effort .. if a person doesn't wants to let go, its hard ...
