Monday, April 20, 2009

Where has the cool air gone?

*panting and sweating*

Damn! I think the air conditioner in my bedroom need some gas. It isn’t breathing out strong cool air anymore. I can feel that my room is bloody warm especially during the day. I only can feel the cooling air when I am nearer to the air con but not that strong on our beds. Our beds (mine and little gal’s) are facing the air con; it is the air con on one wall and our beds are exactly leaning the wall of the opposite side.

Oh dear! Should I be getting someone to check on the air con? You know, all those “pantang” on not doing something to the bedroom during my pregnancy period, but I don’t think we can all wait till I deliver. Gosh! It is about 5 months down the road if I am to include my confinement period in to get the air con fixed.


  1. I dont have that kind of pantang, as long ur husband not using hammer to ketuk things.

  2. just get ur hubs to handle the ppl and u n ur daughter, get out of the house for some icecream! just dont be there when they are doing their stuff!

  3. Well, the weather lately is killing people ... I guess partially is because of the weather

  4. I think installing the gas won't involve any hammering. Just take off the cover and inject the new gas in..

  5. The weather has been crazily hot over here too Rose. Thank god it rained heavily early this morning :D

  6. no pantang want lah, if u have no air cond during ur confinement month, tat's lagi susah..u can stay away and not see them in the room loh
