Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A business to consider

A customer of mine introduced a botanical cum fruit juice to me recently. A direct selling product. Supposed to contain many botanical extracts and good for cleansing and building immune system. Out of goodwill, I bought one which cost me RM138 per bottle. I am getting hubby to try it since it is supposed to be good for smokers; detox, cleansing etc. So far hubby did not complain of any side effect, so I guess the product is good. Just drinking for 5 days, so not really sure of its effect yet.

This customer of mine now is turning into full time direct seller of such product. It is amazing at how determine and confident she is in this product and business that she resigned from a well-paid job to do all those. She is trying to sell me off with the ideas of multi-level marketing which I know well since I am a distributor of another multi-level marketing too! I have been acquired to the idea of network marketing, multi-level marketing, copycat marketing for many years, but I have never have that inspiration (maybe not yet) to go full time. However I admired those people that achieved freedom in doing in and very successful with it. Anyone into network marketing and is a very successful person?

Tomorrow I will be on leave. Manager told each of us to clear our leaves and not to be brought forward to next year. I have 6 more days left, so clearing 1 of them tomorrow. I guess I will just relax and do some spring cleaning. I haven’t been really get down to good cleaning for many weeks and my bedroom is a mess. Sigh!


  1. So nice! Can clear leave. I think I will be facing the same thing next year. Clear leave or waste half of whatever leftover. The company policy is can carry forward only half of the BALANCE leave. Sot or not? Usually is half of the entitlement mar :S

    Anyway, ENJOY urself okie ^_^

  2. I could never do direct selling even if my life depended upon it! LOL!

    Enjoy your leave.

  3. I have been on leave this whole week and I'm so wishing is not going to end!
