Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weekend Menu #10

There is once in a blue moon when we seldom include meat in our menu. Today is one of those days when we can say we go into meatless diet.

It is a lazy Sunday, and weather is rather crazy too. Hot in the morning but raining and gloomy in the afternoon. Planned to go for a swim at nearby swimming pool but weather does not permitted us to do so. Most of the week I have meat and seldom take vegetables and fruits, so I would love to have more green in my menu on a Sunday. It is much healthier to cook than eating out right? At least we know what we put in our food. Imagine all those MSG and preservatives that we ate outside. But it is part of the lifestyle especially young couples like ourselves, that eating out cannot be avoidable.

Cooking at home is fun and a lot more satisfying to see your family enjoy the food we prepared. *wink* Usually hubby and myself will take turns to cook on weekend, but our preferences are very much different. I love dishes with rice, while hubby’s specialty is Western cuisine (more meaty and oily). So most of the time, I volunteer to cook as I want to eat more greens.

Today menu are stir-fried cabbage with small prawns and salted mustard soup. Very homecooked and that is the way I like it! *wink*


  1. Yummy ... hhmm, maybe I'll cook this for my next coming weekend .. Hehehe ....

  2. Nothing beats a simple meal. All the food binging during Ramadan has made me put on weight :*(

    Now, slowly adjusting to eating more vege, less meat and less oily food... sigh...

    Stir fried cabbage with prawn and slated mustard soup looks divine! :D

  3. the dished u cooked look delicious and healthy

  4. Is salted mustard soup the same as ham choy soup? Cos I just love Ham Choy soup :D
