Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cutting my tresses short

It is high time I do something with my tresses. The last time I permed and highlighted was back before Chinese New Year. Boy! That was more than 6 months ago.

Before I start my new job, I think it would be good for me to cut it first. Furthermore, I grew bored on having to style it every morning before going to work. Not to mention the money of buying all those mousse and hair spray.

I just went to the salon this afternoon. I leave the expertise to the salon guy as I just want to cut away the curl locks that has grow out of "style" and get rid of the split ends. *wink* End up, he cut it way to short to my dislike. I told him to cut till shoulder length, but he commented that it would curl and wouldnt look nice. Oh well, guess I have to settle for it since all my long tresses have gone. Now I feel relax and my head also feel light. It has been ages since I have such short hair, so I guess it needs some time to get used to it. *wink*


  1. I also did cut my long hair to short(till my ears!).
    Took me sometime to make decision too!
    No worries! Lond hair can always to be maintain :)

  2. Hi!!
    Look younger with shorter hair ^_^

  3. It looks casual & easy to manage! Great!

