Sunday, June 15, 2008

Do not give up

I was very sad when I read Haney’s post in her blog. She has been thinking of quitting from her blog due to some disturbance from inconsiderate readers and unable to concentrate on other priorities of her life. I understand her predicament as I have been through the same problems before.

I started my blog end of last year. I met many good people on the blogging world and they have become my pals since then. I have to admit I admire their blogs very much too. They are unique in the own rights. Few months back, I was suddenly swamped by nasty comments from anonymous readers. I never have such problems during my first 5 months. I do not understand why some people did it but I do not mean any harm to anyone and that is not the attention I have intended for my blog.

I have apologized to my readers in case I offended any of them, but the nasty comments did not stop. They continued to pour in till it went out of control. My comment boxes have been used like those free chat room services. It was frustrating and I almost think of quitting that time. However I knew that if I quit just like that, I would be unhappy. The only people that are happy would be those people. In the end I decided to block the anonymous comments to prevent more unwanted comments coming in. Sorry to other genuine commenter, I apologize if you can no longer post your comments in my blog, but should you have anything that you would like to voice up, you are welcome to email me anytime.

As for time spent on blogging, I have learnt to allocate my times properly. Like Haney, my family is still my number one priority. I only do posting when I am free or when there is something worth mentioning and shared with others. I believe you may have noticed that I am cutting down on my postings since last month. It does not mean that I am going to neglect my blog. Not neglecting, but prioritizing my time and effort. On one part, I am spending more times with my family too. Hubby has started new job and he has a lot of pressures at work. So I am trying to spend as much time as I can with him, sharing his problems and helping him out in whatever I can. As for little gal, she is getting less attached to me, thank god. She is spending more times in front of television nowadays. *wink*

So to all my blogger friends, if you have ever thought of quitting at one time, please re-consider. Do not give up easily. Think of the main reason why you started your blog in the first place. Is it worth giving up? Your blog is like your baby. You create them, shape, nurture and bring them up to be something unique. Just because someone made you want to quit, you should not think that way. I believe everyone would not give up easily on their children just because of an obstacle, right?? So, Haney, be strong. Me, including your other blogger friends will always stand by you.


  1. yes, agree with you, dont give up. I think we should ignore those non sense comments, blog whatever we like. cheers...

  2. oh yes agree with u
    IS your blog you can say wat even u want ,
    like lovely mummy say is true too .
    hope you blog pal wouldn't give up .

    u just delete t if the comment is too much .
    have a lovely day kiss to the little girl and happy father to your hubby too xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. I'd have to agree with you. Tell your friend don't give up. There are always nasty people out there who will always try to ruin someones day no matter how good you are to them.

    It's her blog and she could always delete those nasty comments or activate her comment moderation ...

  4. i won't agree to quit blogging just becoz of those bad comments or nonsense. i guess things can be done to put the blog in security somehow.

  5. Yeah I think most of us have gone thru those unwanted comments thingy and the greatest weapon is to ignore them (I deleted them) and go on with what we suppose to do!


  6. DId you receive my previous comment?
    Anyway all's fine now =D

  7. i agreed with you 200%... that's why i only post whn i hv things to post.. kekeke... i m not giving up !!...

  8. i know where you are coming from.. luckily .. i donch get many spam.. but if i do.. i just delete. .and ignore them.
