Monday, April 14, 2008

Weekend Menu #8

It was another cooking weekend for me whenever I can help it. I have been aiming to cook more for my family this year. Remember my resolution for the year? Yes, cook and eat healthy! Cut down on salt, sugar and other preservatives.

Let’s start off with my Saturday menu.

Fish Maw soup and Oyster Chicken with Broccoli

Soy Sauce Pork

We have those food for lunch and dinner. A bit too oily, don’t you think? *laugh* But no one complained so far, and little gal also finished up her rice. I am a happy wife and mother indeed when everyone starts to eat my food. *wink*

Curry Chicken


As for Sunday, since me and little gal were out the whole morning, I just “tapau” (take away) this delicious and appetizing curry rice from a corner coffee shop next to Hollywood Karaoke, Sekama Road. Look at the chunky char siew! Not much meat in the packet though, but the rice portion was big. Not to mention the generous curry gravy for 2 persons. Since I have some vegetables left in the fridge, I just cook up two simple vegetable dishes, namely French beans and small bok choy to go with our curry rice. The whole family was enjoying our lunch in front of the television watching CSI on AXN Astro channel!

Let’s feast!


  1. gosh, the food looks so yummmyyyyyy.. drooling already!

  2. I love all sorts of veggie & beans! BTW, I'm fan of CSI too!


  3. The food looks really good. It's making me hungry even though I just had lunch a little while ago. LOL.

  4. Fish maw soup! Sounds good... I love fish maw too.

  5. I think if i was in asia.. i donch mine.. ta pau everyday.. :)
