Friday, April 11, 2008

Brush up!

I have been training my little gal to brush her teeth for few months and even get her baby sitter to train her as well. She simply just put the toothbrush into her mouth and makes a small movement on her tongue!

Most of the times, I would just force myself on her, brushing her teeth! So, I have a screaming child (which is much better if she opens her mouth so I can brush her teeth around). Usually I would do it when she is bathing. Otherwise she will be spilling her toothpaste around the room!

I heard that some children love to brush their teeth. How come my little gal despises it? We have problem feeding her medicine too. We still need to inject the liquid medicine using syringe into her mouth. When she sees us bringing out the medicine and spoon she is nowhere to be found. Lol!

How can I train my little gal to brush her teeth? With the sight of the toothbrush in my hand, she will start to run and hide in the corner! Please, can someone give me tips on how to make her takes up brushing habit?


  1. Try doing it with her in the morning. You can do a second round daily. Setting an example each morning and using fancy toothbrush encourages them. Also don't worry too much about getting every spot brush. Let them get started like certain areas in front, pretty soon let it will just develop to the molars inside.

    from a mommy to another, lets exchange links, ya? i'll add u after this.

  2. yeah lor.. try buy her fancy fancy toothbrush with some cartoon character she likes and got use those kid tooth paste ka ???

    tell them .. if she dun brush teeth she will not be a pretty princess lor...

  3. My youngest niece also wth this prob last time but she loves to brush after her mom bought her many cute toothbrushes & explained to her like "if u don't brush ur teeth, there'll cong cong (worms) spoil ur teeth then u got no teeth teeth..."


  4. ok gals, thanks for the advice. I will try getting those cute toothbrushes and hopefully she will like them! :)

  5. I hear that if you get some cartoons about brushing teeth.. she might just love it.. or do your brushing together with her.. like a routine.

  6. Yeah, toothbrush with cartoon definitely a big help. My son enjoyed doing the brushing himself. Normally I will start the brushing, quick one and later just let him holds the toothbrush and does hand over hand assistance. He is getting better now but I still do the starting. :-)
    Good luck Rose!
