Sunday, February 3, 2008

Weekend Menu #4

We went to supermarket to buy some groceries and ingredients home in the morning! My god! People are starting to rush for Chinese New Year, everyone buying those leeks, cabbages and other vegetables and meats for stock-up! I also “kiasu”, squeezing with those crowds! Hahahah! Now I am starting to feel the festive mood. Feel like cooking today (I still remember my New Year resolution on cooking and eating healthy home-cooked food), so here are my simple menu.

Seaweed with egg soup & Stir fried China Big Kailan Stem

Here is my recipe of Soy Sauce Pork Rib. Amount of ingredients are based on your own preference:

Soy Sauce Pork Rib


Pork rib (you can cut those thick chunks into small pieces to expedite the cooking process)
Chinese mushroom, soak in water to soften, remove stem and cut mushroom into half
Hard-boiled eggs
Crushed Garlic and Sliced Ginger
Salt and sugar to taste
Light soy sauce
Dark soy sauce
Cooking oil

1. Heat up a little oil in wok. Once hot, add in garlic and ginger.
2. Once fragrant, add in pork rib. Stir till half cooked. Add in the mushroom and hard boiled eggs. You can use a fork and make hole on the egg before add in to have the colour and taste soak into the eggs
3. Add salt, sugar, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to taste. Stir to mix well. Add in water to simmer
4. Simmer till pork rib is soft
Enjoy and happy cooking. :)


  1. Hi Rose,
    The pork rib looks yummy! You such a good cook. I am going to try this menu one of this day. :-))

  2. Billy's mom, do try it out! Very simple actually, just dump everything in the wok! Hahaha!

    Er, I am not a good cook, still experimenting here and there. Actually I learnt to cook few years back, when I dated my hubby! Want to impress man lah, so get down to work in the kitchen loh.

    I am still learning to cook! So lets both of us try to be good cooks to our husbands ok?
