Friday, January 18, 2008

I’m Loving It!

This is not a McD’s advertisement, I do not mean to use its famous tagline for this post’s title. (btw, have you try their Prosperity Burger? It is back again. It doesn’t taste that nice compared to beef patty, as they using chicken patty this time round).

Alright just want to show off my new gadget! :) Yahoo! I have been wishing for one since last year, and finally I got it! Hahahah! Just a single swap on my Mastercard and there go one third of my monthly salary! A big hole in my next month’s credit card statement. LOL.

I am still trying to familiarize myself with this little baby, but I am loving it more and more each day. I have been happily snapping photographs with this baby for the past few days. Light, compact and user friendly! Been a gadget dummy, I need a really simple camera setting that can guide me through easily without giving me much headaches. So far, so good.

For this baby, I got a free camera case, pouch, tripod and RM100 worth of printing vouchers besides a 1GB picture card, which is very sufficient for my photography purposes!

This baby will be my companion as I will be bringing it along in my bag wherever I go. I shall be snapping photographs with it for my future posts and promise my fellow bloggers and friends, no more blur photographs in my blog. I have been using my Nokia 6288 phone camera and sister-in-law’s digital camera all this while. A high time to get a digital camera of my own! Looking forward to take many snaps during this Chinese New Year with my new camera! :)


  1. Congratulations on your getting a new camera! It's always nice to have a new toy :o)

  2. Thanks Bart!! Now I am starting to neglect my little gal, too engross in the new toy! hahaha!

  3. NEW TOY!!! I WANT I WANT!! hahaha
    But I need to save up for my end-of-year plan :(

  4. expecting more nice pictures from your blog lor.. kekeke..

  5. Wow, congrats on your purchase! This camera is going to produce alot of stories! I'm never separated from my casio exilim since I got it hehe.
