Monday, January 14, 2008

Food for your hair

No weekend menu this week. Just want to share with you some home made remedies that I found useful in keeping your locks healthy and beautiful:

Treat Coloured Hair
DIY: Mix 2 oz of normal mayonnaise and 1 tbsp of cider vinegar in a bowl. Apply to hair and comb through with a large comb. Leave on for 1 hour. Rinse hair till clean.

(Rose's remark: during that one hour, you can do your household chores such as sweeping, mopping and even cleaning your bathroom. Otherwise entertain yourself with some books or magazines.)

Promote Hair Growth
DIY: Mix equal quantities of olive oil and spirit of rosemary, add a few drops of oil of nutmeg and mix together. Massage hair roots every night with a little bit of this oilment.

Soften and shine up
DIY: Mix the inside of a pumpkin with 1 egg and a tub of yogurt. Leave for 15 - 20 minutes and then wash out with cool water.
(Rose's remark: You wouldnt smell nice for those 20 minutes duration! )
Remove Build-up
DIY: Rub lemon juice all over your scalp, leave for 15 - 20 minutes. Then rinse off. This will get rid of excess build-up from styling products, neutralise the alkalinity and help with dandruff for a cleaner scalp.

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