Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Before we leave

We spent 2 nights in Sibu. On the day before we were leaving for Kuching, we dropped by this old corner coffee shop for breakfast.

Wan Cafe (across the road from Premier) where an old couple busy preparing and serving their regular customers and anyone  waiting patiently enough to be served.

It was Sunday but maybe we were early or lady luck really was on our side. Not only we were able find a decent parking in front of Niichi boutique, but we were able to find good table at the crowded coffee shop. Strategic spot to watch the twosome doing their cooking.

My sil did the ordering and she recommended its lovely, warming Foochow-styled fish ball soup. 

Definitely could detect the fragrant Foochow red wine in the soup and I loved the hand-made fish balls. Not round like what we have outside.

Everyone except me had their white kampua. Big serving of the noodle. And I love that they used the ceramic crockery to serve customers.

As for yours truly, this Foochow stir-fried noodle was nice but I did have trouble finishing the whole plate of it.

After our delicious breakfast, we drove to the town centre to buy some kompia and goodies home. Don't ask me where, I forgot the name but it was the one at backlane of the old shops in Tiong Hua road.

Freshly baked kompia with sesame seeds topping but not enough for us to order so we drove over to Rejang Park to get some more of the plain, sweet type and with butter on top.

With full tummies and after bought all these goodies, we brought my sil and her daughter home, collected our luggages and headed back to Kuching.

We used the Sadong route where we needed to take 2 ferries (Batang Saribas, Pusa and Batang Lupar). Actually we spent an hour waiting for the ferries but overall, the driving only took us slightly over 5 hours to reach our destination.

A long journey but everyone enjoyed the time we had in Sibu. Don't know when we would be coming back.


suituapui said...

Went once, never went back again!
The old lady isn't the friendliest of people, so pissed off.

Rose world said...

I heard that from my sil too. Lady with bad attitude but luckily everything was fine that morning. Haha.

Sharon D. said...

I haven't tried anything with Foochow red wine yet - it's one of my life goals now, along with kompia. Lol.
Long journey but road trips are always so much fun for the family and full of fond memories. :)

mun said...

I would like to taste the red wine broth with the fish balls. looks yummy! Sounds like a long drive, PTL everyone is fine.

Lotus said...

I think I will like the red wine broth, wonderful road trip memories for the whole family

Nancy Chan said...

We used to have chicken in red yeast wine but haven't tried the fish balls version. Sounds good.

The Yum List said...

White kampua is a bit of a speciality in that region right?

PH said...

I have yet to taste soups with Foochow red wine. Can't find any near my place.

Reanaclaire said...

Must buy these goodies before leaving, no doubt about that.. the kampua noodles looks very tempting too!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

The goodies, if me, can finish in no time...

Merryn said...

Oh my, that is quite a distance the journey. But it is all worth it if it means getting to meet family members and feasting on good food.

Blackswan said...

Wow! Your fish ball soup is so different from ours. xoxo

shwet said...

looks very yummy food!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I feel 1st thing to do is go back Kuching and visit Kuching High School. :D

Ann said...

Those dishes look super good.
I want some noodles right now.


Imemily said...

the sibu fish ball soup is unique as I dont see fish ball but fish meat
wow they really use real fish in making
Sibu, I never visit but looking for a chance in future :)