Saturday, August 18, 2018


I have 2 younger half-sisters and a younger half-brother. I never told any one over here but we only started to get connected recently. I am happy to meet up with them whenever they came back. I get to see my brother whenever I go to my dad's shop as he helped at the shop.

My sisters came back to Kuching for holiday 1 week ago. One from KL with her hubby and another from Singapore with her boyfriend. Their plan was to visit Kuching Fest, which they did.

The next day after they flew home, we went here for brunch.   My brother-in-law wanted to eat lui cha so we were obliged to bring him here to try the dish. He is a self-proclaimed lover of lui cha. It is hard to find good lui cha in KL, he claimed.

Hakka lui cha is a great detox and rich in fiber. Big Mouth's lui cha was one of the best in Kuching. My dad suggested this place as the stall operator freshly cook the ingredients and much cleaner. Tastes nice too.

I had a bowl that morning. It has been long since I had one. They used brown rice in the lui cha. 

How to eat? You could either add the green soup a little by little or add the whole soup and mix the ingredients well.

I am in between. Not too much soup but I must have that green, bitter soup with my rice. 

My bil loved it so much that he finished 2 bowls of the soup. On the other hand, my sis's boyfriend couldn't acquired the taste as first time having it.

While we were eating, we were busy watching the stall operator chopping, mixing and cooking her ingredients.

Of course we also ordered chicken rice to share around other than the lui cha. In case the men weren't full from eating all those green vegetables. ^^

It was nice catching up with them when they were back.  We also had a quick fried fritters lunch in Old Rex on the day they landed in Kuching. The famous kolo mee from Sin Lian Shin in Green Road before they flew off to KL on Monday. 


Sharon D. said...

I love lui cha, Rose ..but then again greedy me loves a lot of things, food-wise. Lol. This looks so delicious - wish I could join you!

Nancy Chan said...

I love lui cha but hard to find one that is good.

PH said...

It's good that you got connected to your half siblings. I still don't have the courage to eat lui cha. I'm afraid that I might not be able to accept the taste.

suituapui said...

I love having friends or relatives come and visit.

Hmmm...the lei cha soup is very green - according to the Payung boss, it will depend on the ingredients and generally, his customers love it VERY bitter - many are from Kuching, he said.

I had it twice - but I do not think it is something that I enjoy a lot. Healthy things usually are not meant to taste great. LOL!!!

Somewhere in Singapore said...

I have not eat lei cha before, as worry might not like the taste...

Diana Diane Teo said...

I also in Kuching right now just for the sake of Kuching Food Fest! I'm not really into lui cha but my mom is. She also loves it so much. Talking about Sin Lian Shin kolo mee, I think so far they served the best among others.

Christine said...

The food looks good!

lina said...

It's nice to be reconnected.

mun said...

now there are more and more lui cha in kl especially in vegetarian organic shops. Nowadays it takes effort to reconnect with relatives so kudos to you for doing so.

Merryn said...

I'm ok ok only with lui cha. Havent acquired the taste to really love it to hunt for it. Will only eat it if it is served in front of me. Wont specifically buy it for my meal :D

Lotus said...

I tried Lui Cha once cos curious how it tastes like and I would say it is not something I would enjoy, like STP said, healthy food are not meant to taste great, tasty food are not healthy LOL

I also played host to my Malaysia friend who came to SG recently, it is nice to have friends or relatives visiting

Imemily said...

that looks great!
I'm avid lui cha lover too
hard to find lui cha in my area
I have to travel far to find one
dont really love lui cha from simple life and purple cane shop
but many of my friends do not like lui cha at all ... sigh
I have to eat alone :(