Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Colours of hibiscus

Tomorrow is a public holiday. Our 60th National Day.

Happy National Day, Malaysia!!

Share with you few photos of our national flower that I took not so long ago. These bushes of hibiscus were along the walkway when I did my morning walk. Aren't they lovely??


PH said...

Very pretty indeed! So many varieties of hibiscus now.

Nancy Chan said...

The white with red centre hibiscus very unique. Happy Merdeka Day!

suituapui said...

Happy National Day! Lovely flowers.

IreneC said...

I especially love the white hibiscus with the red centre! For moment, I thought they were from your garden. Selamat Hari Kebangsaan!

Lotus said...

Lovely hibiscus, hard to find lovely flowers in my neighbourhood, unless from a florist, haha, I like photo #2 and #3.

Happy National Day!

Merryn said...

Very pretty hibiscus.

Happy Merdeka and Happy long weekend to you :)

Somewhere in Singapore said...

Happy National Day...

Blackswan said...

Happy National Day to you too, dearie! xoxo

Reanaclaire said...

Yes, our national flower is very lovely.. remember studying the flower during Science class during the schooling days... hahahaa

mun said...

Lovely flowers! Happy Merdeka day to you and your family!

Sharon D. said...

And now ..Happy Malaysia Day! xx